Friday, March 23, 2012

Sunday Market

On Sundays there is a really great market a few blocks from my house. Last week my friend Vinny, who is a student at UEL, showed me around. You can buy all sorts of fruits, vegetables, meats, coffee, spices, rices, beans, flowers, and on and on...The produce is so much cheaper here than in the U.S. It makes for great smoothies and juice (in my new blender!). One of my favorite combinations is papaya and banana. Maybe one of these days I´ll expand my "cooking" skills beyond what I can make in a blender. Until then - lots of smoothies!
So many fruits!
Rice and beans - a Brazilian staple

Coffee - a Lauren staple

Funky lookin´ fruits...

that were super sweet and delicious!

Fresh coconuts!

A faceless Vinny and his coconut.

What does that funky-looking fruit look like inside?
ah ha!

You eat the white flesh, which is very sweet, and spit out the big black seeds. A yummy treat! 

1 comment:

  1. Lauren!!! So glad that you're having such fun, and so happy for you and for your smashingly lovely laundry room! You've certainly earned that treat! Enjoy those strange fruits and the beautiful country you're in! Sending lots of love from the USA! Sarita
